I've been very surprised when once stumbled across one post in a social network about ridiculous search queries and saw "Are Russians allowed to leave Russia" message there. LOL? "Are you serious" thought I, but later I decided to compare all the rumors about Russia and found out that this query may probably be a serious notion.
Well, don't be afraid for them, Russia citizens are allowed to leave Russia freely. I wouldn't ever believe that none of you have ever seen a Russian on the Egyptian beach or Turkish lobby bar. Remember that vacation? I bet you do.
Are Russians allowed to leave Russia permanently? Actually, yes, they can do it. It isn't the USSR anymore. I think that selecting a place for live is the inalienable right of every human being. I know
some Russian who emigrated to EU, USA, Canada, Australia and some Asian countries. Nobody ordered them to return.
I would like to write some information about leaving for foreign tourists. You may be exhausted with the FMS communication and all the things you've done while arrived, but leaving is much easier.
Many of us know that there are online services for dating. One of them is a marriage agency. Foreigners get acquainted with Ukrainian girls through online, to create a family / marriage. news bemyhalf.net
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